
Friday, January 14, 2011

Casual Friday - 5 Highlights

5 highlights from this past week...

1. Answered prayer!
On Tuesday of this past week a prayer was answered. It wasn't just simply or quietly answered, either. This time, God answered it in a big, loud, booming voice. There was no misinterpreting or misunderstanding. The answer was a definite "NO!" (Not no in a bad way. At least not for me. Just no.)

2. Lots of laughter and fun on Sunday
Just for fun, I snapped continuous pictures of Ben as he was taking the tree down on Sunday. I managed to turn him into a ghost, take off an arm, and make him headless. Doesn't take much to humor us! (You can click the image to view it a little larger)

3. Snow here, there, and everywhere!
Loved seeing all the pretty snow pictures from back home this past week. They ended up getting 10+ inches, which is very rare for Chattanooga. These are some pictures from my parent's house:

(That's my baby brother in the far left, bottom corner)

4. Cuddle Duds!
My mother got me a couple of pairs for Christmas. I wore them for the first time this past week after it snowed. Love them!! I seriously want to live in them! Note to self: Must buy more asap!

5. Season premiere of Off the Map!
I really enjoyed the first episode. I have a feeling it's gonna be a keeper just like Grey's and Private Practice.


Anonymous said...

I love your storyboards! What kind of camera do you use? Thanks for playing! This is fun!

Lauren said...

Thanks! Amy did those. I just use a point and shoot for now. Saving my pennies for a good camera. I can't wait to really be able to play with settings! :)